I told this to my ex-brother-in law, "my life is wonderful, never been so happy". He said "really",
and then he started to complain about his life, he didn't prepare for his old age (77).......
i have a question.
yesterday while the wife and i were hitting garage sales we seen a house selling tools.
this house happened to be a witness couple getting rid of some old stuff.
I told this to my ex-brother-in law, "my life is wonderful, never been so happy". He said "really",
and then he started to complain about his life, he didn't prepare for his old age (77).......
the anti gay video that watchtower recently produced has now had over 1,000,000 views.
of those who selected to like or dislike the video, over 92% disliked it.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnk52bu92oe.
WE don't need to do anything to bring them down, they are doing a great job themselves.
Keep up the work WT......
anyone seen sister williams working her assests on the latest beyonce video?
what's the go, surely she is not a declared jw?.
she needs some serious council from jehovah, and i'm guessing bro sammy herd wouldn't mind being on that little committee.. the song is called "sorry".
Not a good witness sister William,, "Fined $10 K for smashing, throwing racket at Wimbledon.
MY oh my she definitely need to be talk to about her self control.
I wonder if she pray to Jehovah before each match," Jehovah please let me win by beating the crap
out of my opponent", like some boxes that pray before a fight. LOL
I would be still be a Witness today if I could get away with her antics, maybe..
i figured i would try this out.
i'm currently disfellowshiped but working my way back.
i was wondering if i am the only one?
Want to serve: This is a true story of a sister that come hell or high water she was going
to marry a JW brother.
She lived a rough life before becoming a JW. She moved in the area DF, a very attractive sister.
The new congregation she was reinstated after one year, one year later she was DF she married a
17 year old she was 35, they divorced. The strange thing about this sister other males (worldly guys)
tried asking her out, but no way I must marry a brother.
She moved to another congregation after she was DF. After a year she was reinstated and once more after
a year or so she and a Elder was DF, he was married.
OK, what I don't understand she was so determine to marry a brother, no matter what the cost but she
could have married a worldly guy without the DFs. The dating pool is very small for women in the organization.
The last I heard the sister passed and still single and reinstated a few years before her death.
A sad story, she wanted to be happy instead she lived a lonely life...
i was just reflecting about this site and it`s influence on me and what i have got out of it and it came to me that whatever subject i bring up , or others bring up , the obvious thing is we engage in discussion .that`s what it`s all about .. however , the feedback we get or the input we give , far outweighs anything we ever achieved going from d2d for the wtb&ts./ wt real estate agency /publishing house .. how many times did you have a meaningful discussion with a person at a door ?, as a jw ?
not many i would think.. the majority of times , they were not home or not opening the door to you , so even if you did meet people they were too busy to talk to you or they just were not interested.. whereas , here on this board you engage with many people from all over the world , and we can discuss a subject as long as we want.until it runs it`s course.. i think anybody who posts here has had far more satisfaction in their interaction with other people on this board than they ever experienced in the d2d work as a jw.. and i hope that people who just lurk here can see the benefits of open discussion in a forum like this without judgement and recriminations that occur in the jw religion for speaking your mind.. smiddy.
The one thing I like about this place, don't come here half ass. Meaning, you better know
what you are talking about. This keep you honest, no more of that BS stuff from the WT. LOL
I know because I have been ask have you been drinking tonight are you on drugs, you
made no sense what so ever. I was a know all JW for many years, it's very humbling.
i figured i would try this out.
i'm currently disfellowshiped but working my way back.
i was wondering if i am the only one?
I tried (out since 1987) but this incident woke me up. I was sitting in the back and the closing
song, young lady next to me moved over to share her song book with me. An elder I knew
form years back ran over and told the sister to move away. This was a KH that most people
didn't know who I was.
I'am black so I have a question for you. Why would you go back to a organization that break up
families??? Keep in mind we as a race have been through this before in the early days.
And welcome..
Both my sons are around your age and they very happy with their mates and they were raised in that
organization. Do you really want someone with the same views as a JW male, belief that women
are second class.
all they did was invite us to a convention on the other side of town in mid-july.
my husband tried to engage them and asked where he could send them some information.
they showed him the address for the convention center across town-yeah, they are going to get it there.
Two guys came to my door the other day with a tract I didn't bother to engage them in
in conversation, what's the point. I should have ask them do you folks keep records on
the householder. Over the years I have spoken to half of your congregation and you people
keep coming back, hell I'am a Apostate.LOL
pentagon ends transgender military ban-cnn politics.com.
there are as many as 11000 transgender serving today in the military and reservists, so.
what's the big deal???
Pentagon ends transgender military ban-cnn Politics.com
There are as many as 11000 Transgender serving today in the military and reservists, so
what's the big deal????
shunning is unjust because say the problem is with 2 people let's say it's fraud against another person.
now 8 million people are brought into the problem by also shunning the one person that the 8 million must also shun do you see how stupid that is..
There would be no apostates( JW's are nuts) if there were no shunning, no attacks on
the organization from ex members..
flying cars just took a big step closer to being legal.
terrafugia gets the green light for.
transforming vehicle that could take to the skies by 2018. dui's in the skies......
prologs: good point but there would be no need for air bags at 200 miles an hr. Can you imagine
the air traffic on a friday heading out of down town L.A or NY...Not safe for man
or birds.